Some talks I found enlightening
- Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
- Randy was a professor in human-computer interaction at Carnegie Mellon University. He gave an interesting and amazing last lecture given on the importance of hard work, fun and loving what you do.
- Nobel Lecture: Kazuo Ishiguro.
- Kazuo delivered an amazing speech after winning the Nobel prize for literature in 2017. He talks about why he started to chose to write and why he found it important and urgent.
- This is Water: David Foster Wallace.
- Wallace opens with a parable about two young fish who don’t recognize the concept of “water,” using it to illustrate how people often fail to notice the “default settings” of their own minds—patterns of self-centered thinking and assumptions that dominate their consciousness.
- Steve Balmer: CS50 Lecture 2014.
- Steve was a guest speaker in the early CS50 lectures series that are taught by David J. Malan. I’ve forgotten what the main points of talk were, but I remember feeling very motivated and optimistic about creating technology.
- Hacker Interview - Gummo
- Gummo was an appearance on the Soft White Underbelly channel. He spoke about the old hacker culture and some other things like cryptocurrencies and bounties.
- You and Your Research: Richard Hamming
- Hamming talks about his days in Bell labs and the various types of scientists he encountered. He touches on the personality traits and style of different researchers he worked with. Hamming also talks about how to approach problems.